For the last two years, we have made a joint effort to bring you news, updates, statistics, and tips on Medford’s housing situation and market conditions. Whether it was information on rentals, inventory levels, how to stage a home, real estate, taxes, community programs, etc. through this process I have found that our great city of Medford does A LOT for our community that many people might not be aware of.
For example, the City of Medford is an entitlement jurisdiction for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. In May, the city proposed and approved to use of the total estimated 2016 CDBG funds for $1,159,335, for the following projects and programs:

Homeowner Rehabilitation - $192,257 and estimated program income of $75,000
Grant to the Housing Authority of Jackson County to provide zero-interest, deferred loans to low/moderate-income homeowners for the correction of recognized hazards to health and safety.
Affordable Housing Infrastructure Support - $200,000
Grant to the Housing Authority of Jackson County to fund off-site infrastructure improvements required for transportation connections supporting the development of a 64-unit multi-family housing complex.
Affordable Housing Land Acquisition - $96,251
Grant to Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity to acquire land for the construction of six new low-income, homeowner houses in the Morian Park Subdivision.
Public Infrastructure – City Infrastructure Improvements - $184,038 in carryover funds
Grant to the City of Medford’s Public Works Division to build sidewalks and associated improvements in low/moderate-income neighborhoods.
Elimination of Slums and Blight – Unsafe and Problem Properties Demolition - $155,218 in carryover funds and estimated program income of $30,000
Grant to the City of Medford’s Code Enforcement Division and Building Safety Division to demolish buildings that have been identified as unsafe, problem properties.

The following public service agencies will be receiving grants for operating expenses for the 2016 Program Year:
St. Vincent de Paul $ 25,000; and estimated program income of $5,000
Maslow Project $ 22,500
Center for NonProfit Legal Services, Inc. $ 12,000
Hearts with a Mission $ 17,500
Community Volunteer Network $ 9,000
Medford Senior Center $ 8,959
These decisions were made based on the Action Plan, which is an update of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan that outlines and establishes priorities for the upcoming program year. The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive planning document for CDBG that identifies the City’s overall needs for housing and community development and outlines a five-year strategy to address those needs adopted by Medford City Council. The purpose of the Consolidated Plan is to provide the framework for annual decisions on the use of CDBG funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
As you can see, many programs exist in our community that provides educational and economic opportunities related to housing and community development. This information is public, and copies of the City’s Consolidated Plan and draft Action Plan are available for public review in the Parks and Recreation Office at 701 N. Columbus Ave, Medford, OR 97501 and on the City’s website at www.ci.medford.or.us.

*Note should there be an increase or decrease in the entitlement amount or estimated carryovers; activity funding will be adjusted accordingly.

Shanon Pewtress
Real Estate Broker, Licensed in the state of Oregon
Shanon holds an MBA in International Business, has consistently received Top Realtor and President awards each year at John L. Scott (the Rogue Valley’s #1 firm), and loves writing in her “At Home with Shanon” column that has been delivered to 47,000+ homes in Medford since 2014, has appeared on the Real Estate Radio Show and was also featured on A&E TV network’s Real Estate Reality TV show.